Align Braces Clinic | Singapore Orthodontist & Dentist | Invisalign Self-ligating Damon Ceramic Braces Metal Braces

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Metal Dental Braces

What are Metal Dental Braces?

Metal dental braces are a tried-and-tested way of effectively straightening your teeth. Metal dental braces come with pocket-friendly costs and a wide array of colours to brighten your smile! Student braces packages are available in Singapore.

Metal dental braces have remained popular for individuals seeking orthodontic treatment, especially among students in Singapore. The allure of straighter teeth and improved oral health has contributed to the rising demand for braces among the student population. The affordability and effectiveness of metal dental braces make them a preferred choice, addressing concerns about braces cost in Singapore.

Types of Teeth Alignment Problems Metal Dental Braces Can Fix

Metal dental braces are a versatile and effective solution for addressing various teeth alignment issues, making them a popular choice among students in Singapore. These braces can successfully correct common dental problems, ensuring a healthier and more aesthetically pleasing smile.


Metal dental braces are particularly adept at resolving issues related to overcrowded teeth. Overlapping and misaligned teeth can be gradually guided into their proper positions, creating a well-aligned and harmonious dental arch.

Spacing and Gaps

Braces are also effective in closing gaps and spaces between teeth. This is crucial not only for aesthetic reasons but also for preventing issues such as food impaction and gum problems that can arise from unevenly spaced teeth.

Protruding Teeth

Metal dental braces are instrumental in treating protruding or forward-angled teeth. They work to reposition these teeth, ensuring a more balanced and functional bite.

Jaw Misalignment

In some cases, misalignment issues extend beyond the teeth and involve the jaw. Metal braces can aid in correcting these complex problems, helping to achieve proper alignment between the upper and lower jaws.

Cost of Braces for Students in Singapore

Align Braces Clinic Cost Overview:

The cost of braces at Align Braces Clinic is competitive and transparent, ensuring students in Singapore receive quality orthodontic care without breaking the bank. Our pricing structure is designed to encompass comprehensive packages that cover the essentials of orthodontic treatment.

Comparison with Average and Other Clinics:

Align Braces Clinic strives to maintain a balance between competitive pricing and exceptional quality of care. In comparison with the average costs in Singapore and other clinics, our focus on affordability does not compromise the efficacy of treatment. We encourage prospective patients to explore the transparent breakdown of our costs, enabling an informed decision-making process.

Factors Affecting Cost:

Several factors can influence the cost of braces at Align Braces Clinic:

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Different types, such as metal dental braces, ceramic braces, or damon self-ligating braces, may have varying costs.

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The level of complexity in the orthodontic case can impact the overall cost. More intricate cases may require a longer treatment duration and additional adjustments.

Types of Braces and Associated Costs:

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This table provides a snapshot of some of the braces options available at Align Braces Clinic Singapore, illustrating the variety in types, features and costs. Our commitment to transparent communication ensures that students can make informed decisions about their orthodontic journey, aligning with their budget and expectations for a confident smile.

Insurance & Subsidies for Braces in Singapore

Dental Insurance

Dental insurance plans may offer coverage for orthodontic treatments, including metal braces. Students in Singapore can explore insurance policies that specifically cater to dental care to offset the expenses associated with braces.

Government Subsidies

Depending on the individual's financial circumstances, government subsidies may be available to reduce the overall cost of braces. These subsidies aim to make essential healthcare services, including orthodontics, more affordable for the general population.

Clinic-Specific Financing Options

Align Braces Clinic provides their own financing plans to ease the burden of braces cost. These plans offers flexible payment schedules, allowing clients to manage their expenses more comfortably.

Benefits of Wearing Braces

Wearing braces, especially for students in Singapore, offers a multitude of advantages beyond achieving a visually appealing smile. Here are some key benefits that highlight the significance of orthodontic treatment, particularly with a focus on metal dental braces:

Enhanced Oral Health

Braces help align teeth, making oral hygiene more manageable. Straight teeth are easier to clean, reducing the risk of plaque buildup, cavities, and gum disease. This contributes to improved overall oral health.

Improved Bite Functionality

Orthodontic treatment, including metal dental braces, corrects bite irregularities such as overbites, underbites, and crossbites. This not only enhances the aesthetic aspect but also improves the functionality of the bite, making chewing and speaking more comfortable.

Prevention of Dental Issues

Addressing misalignments and overcrowding with braces helps prevent potential dental problems in the future. It reduces the likelihood of issues like uneven wear on teeth, jaw pain, and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders.

Boosted Self-Confidence

A straight and well-aligned smile can significantly boost self-esteem and confidence, especially for students. Feeling confident about their appearance can positively impact various aspects of a student's life, from social interactions to academic pursuits.

Long-Term Cost Savings

While concerns about braces cost in Singapore may arise initially, the long-term benefits outweigh the initial investment. Preventing dental issues through orthodontic treatment can lead to reduced future dental expenses.

Customized Treatment Plans

Orthodontic clinics like Align Braces Clinic provides customized treatment plans. This ensures that students receive tailored solutions that meet their specific needs and address concerns about the affordability of braces.

Braces Treatment Process in Singapore

1. Initial Consultation

The process typically begins with an initial consultation at a reputable orthodontic clinic like Align Braces Clinic. During this visit, a thorough examination is conducted to assess the current state of the teeth and jaw. The orthodontist discusses treatment options, including the types of braces available, such as metal dental braces, and addresses any concerns the patient may have.

2. Treatment Planning

Following the examination, the orthodontist develops a personalised treatment plan. This plan outlines the specific issues to be addressed, the type of braces recommended, and an estimated treatment duration. In alignment with the patient's preferences and needs, Align Braces Clinic ensures a tailored approach to the braces treatment process.

3. Braces Placement

Once the treatment plan is finalised, the braces are customised and placed on the teeth. For students in Singapore, metal dental braces are a common choice due to their effectiveness and affordability. The placement process is meticulous, with the orthodontist ensuring each bracket is securely attached to the teeth.

4. Adjustment Appointments

Regular adjustment appointments are scheduled, usually every 4-6 weeks. During these visits, the orthodontist makes necessary adjustments to the braces to guide the teeth into their desired positions. These appointments are crucial for monitoring progress and addressing any concerns that may arise.

5. Oral Hygiene and Care

Throughout the braces treatment, maintaining excellent oral hygiene is essential. Patients are educated on effective brushing and flossing techniques, and the orthodontic team may recommend specific tools to aid in cleaning between the brackets and wires.

6. Monitoring Progress

The orthodontist closely monitors the progress of the treatment at each visit. X-rays and impressions may be taken periodically to assess how the teeth are responding to the braces. Adjustments are made to the treatment plan as needed to achieve optimal results.

7. Braces Removal

Once the teeth have reached their desired positions, the braces are removed. This is a moment of celebration for the patient, marking the completion of the active phase of treatment. At this stage, options for retention, such as retainers, are discussed to maintain the newly aligned teeth.

8. Post-Treatment Care

Post-treatment care is an integral part of the process. Align Braces Clinic provides guidance on wearing retainers and offers follow-up appointments to ensure the teeth maintain their alignment over time.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do Metal Dental Braces Work?

Metal dental braces are stainless steel braces that are precisely positioned on your teeth and secured with a dental adhesive. Coloured rubber bands are used to secure thin wires in the brackets of the metal dental braces. The wires provide a gentle force to gradually move each tooth into its appropriate position.